Saturday, 24 December 2016

Google Web Rangers India Contest 2016, "Project" Entry by Krishna Pandit

Hello all,

I am Krishna Pandit. I am 9th grader from Vishwa Bharati Public School, Noida and I have written this blog just for highlighting the structure of my Project which is originally an Android App. 

Brief about my Project.

App Name - Netorians

Size - 7.3 MB

App Platform - Android

My Story behind building Netorians

Internet is an integral part of everyone's life. Today, most of the children at early age starts using internet. Some children use it for knowledge, some for entertainment, some for gaming and some for just socialising on social networking sites and there are many other reasons. Many of them are unaware of internet safety, so it is very important for me as an computer enthusiast, it's my duty to make the people, children to learn about the internet security methods so that I could build 
"A SMARTER INTERNET WORLD". Then I heard of Google Web Rangers India Contest 2016, then I start thinking that, this competition is completely based on the theme "A SMARTER INTERNET". So, its a golden opportunity for me to do my duty to make this world, 
"A SMARTER INTERNET WORLD", where all internet users use the internet very smartly.

I started building Netorians with the name called "Mr.Net" on MIT App Inventor 2, which will tell every people about the internet security. But later, when I completed with this idea. I decided to expand this idea and apart from this, people who download they will b only able to learn about internet security and the rest will not. Than, I gave the feature of "Text to Speech", "Sound Recording" & "Sharing". So, that Mr.Net, could speak the written texts about Internet Safety. Then, user can also record the text spoken by Mr.Net and then share that recorded file with the easy of a button on any sharing platform like Google +, Facebook, Whatsapp, Gmail etc. At this stage, I named this part of my app as "Tutorians".

When I completed this also, then I again expanded my idea. This time, the idea was of helping the users to get connected with other person who knows internet securities more and betterly. Now, for this I built "Reportians" which  means a person who reports any internet security related things through any sharing platform will be called "Reportians". At "Reporting", people can share photos, record audios, texts through any sharing platform like Facebook, Whatsapp, Gmail or Google + etc. Apart from this, they can also Call, send SMS to any other person to get  help for any cyber security related issues. 

Again, when I get this idea in front of my eye, I again extended this idea, and then I started thinking about that people always forget their passwords, usernames etc. So, can I build something where people can Save their own passwords with usernames, website for which they are using that password and other details like email, mobile no. etc. For this, I built "Savian". At "Savian" people can save all confidential online information like password, username etc.

After getting this, I thought of allowing the users to create secure password with the help of texts and numbers they enter. Now, I worked very hard to help the people to create their own passwords with usernames. For this, I built "Passwordian". At " Passwordian", people can create their own passwords and usernames. They have to enter 6 letters and numbers of any digits and then the app will generate best 6 passwords. The user can use any of that 6 generated passwords. The password that will be generated is based on the algorithms written while building the app. Every time the user enters the text and numbers, the password generated will be different depending upon the type of text and numbers enters by the user.

Now I thought, that there may be language barriers between the people if, they ask something to any user for getting help related to internet and cyber securities. So for this, I used the Yandex Translate tool (available in MIT App Inventor 2) and then I build the "Transian" for erasing the language barrier between users. At "Transian" people can translate any English tetxs to 10 different Indian languages. They can type the tetxs also and then app will translate texts for them and also they can use  the speech translation feature which allow to translate texts which you spoke using the speech recognition system built in the app.

Now, I was complete with my ideas, and the finally I named my app, "Mr.Net" to "NETORIANS". In NETORIANS,

 1. "NET" = Internet,
2.  "O"=Of, 

It consists of - 
1. Tutorians
2. Reportians
4. Passwordian
5. Savian
6. Aboutians

Then, I built a screen for the information about the app and me. For this, I created "Aboutians" which contains only the information about "Netorians" & "Me".

Now, there was a question  of "Security" in Netorians. Then, I worked very very hard and then finally and I came up with an idea of 4-PIN security login into Netorians. This I named as "SECURITISER" which is the secure gateway to NETORIANS and I am fully convinced there will be no unauthorised access on "NETORIANS" and no any cyber crimes or cyber related problems will be generated by "NETROAINS".


Thank You, Sir.

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